Saturday, August 3, 2019

How to Make a Funny Video

Whether for yourself or to share with others, making a funny video can be a fun way to pass the time. Writing a script and planning out your video can help give it plenty of jokes and comedic scenes. Then, once you're ready to film, knowing how to act humorously can help your jokes resonate with your audience. Before you know it, you'll have a hilarious video to share wherever you want! 

Writing a Funny Script

  1. 1
  2. 2
    Use the rule of three to write funny scripts. Similar to unexpected situations, humor arises when established patterns are broken in sets of three. Try writing a scene where two similar ideas or situations are presented, then add a third that breaks the pattern.[2]
    • You could, for example, write a slapstick scene where two characters walk through a doorway normally and the third gets hit in the face with a pie when he walks through.
    • Or you could write about two ghosts who like living in a haunted house and a third who is afraid of other ghosts.
  3. 3
    Pattern the humor around relatable situations. Successful funny videos are usually based on situations that people can relate to. Think about who your video's target audience is and write in situations that this group has probably experienced.[3]
    • For example, you could write a video about funny, relatable things that happen to high school students (like boring teachers, awkward first dates, and overly-enthusiastic football games).
    • Try writing about situations that are funny to you or a community you belong to, as this will help your humor feel more authentic.
  4. 4
    Use metaphors or similes to create humorous dialogue. Funny videos often compare one thing to a caricature of itself. Brainstorm things that remind you of a certain character or situation, and implement them into your dialogue to amplify the humor.[4]
    • You could, for example, write about a mean, strict boss and have another character say, "Did Tiny Tim get on your nerves today, Mr. Scrooge?"
    • Or you could write about a person who just got turned down by a guy and have them say, "I just hit on him but now I feel like my heart was hit by a bus."
  5. 5
    Try adding funny anecdotes or stories if you've got writer's block. If you can't think of anything to write, brainstorm funny things that have happened to you. From there, you can either tell your story during the video or write about characters who experience a similar thing.[5]
    • You could, for example, tell a story about a time you accidentally ripped your pants while playing basketball.
    • Or, if you've tried online dating, you could write about a person who meets various eccentric people through online dating apps.

Part 2
Filming the Video

  1. 1
    Gather together your filming equipment. To make a quality video, you will need equipment to capture the picture and audio. Depending on your preferences and filming expertise, you can use any of the following things to film your video:[6]
    • Smartphone
    • Camera
    • Webcam
    • Video recorder
  2. 2
    Test the filming equipment beforehand. Before you start making the video, film a few seconds beforehand to make sure your equipment is working. Once you've checked that the equipment is recording and ready to go, you can start filming your funny video.[7]
    • If you're using cameras or video recorders, bring a smartphone with you to record in case your equipment is having trouble.
  3. 3
    Use subtle nods to indicate that you're filming a funny video. While dry humor can be hilarious, try to let your audience know that your video is humorous. That way, the audience know from the start that they're watching a funny video and can view it accordingly.[8]
    • You could, for example, have your character look incredulously into the camera after an unexpected or outrageous event.
  4. 4
    Add in common funny props or figures. Funny videos often use certain situations or props to enhance the humor. Study popular funny videos and look for recurring props, situations, or figures that they use, and add them to your video as desired.[9]
    • Babies, animals, and other cute things are popular features of funny videos. Silly videos also often feature situations that involve accidents or "fails," funny singing or dancing, and unexpected (but well-meaning) pranks.
    • This is especially useful if you're trying to make a popular or "viral" video.
  5. 5
    Try not to overact the humor. Although it's important to subtly let your audience know they're watching a funny video, acting overly dramatic can ruin the natural humor of the scene. Beyond a few nods to the audience or exaggerations, avoid delivering your lines or acting with too much emotion or emphasis.[10]
    • An exception to this is if you are making fun of overly-dramatic actors or films.

Monday, July 29, 2019

How to use a VPN

The privacy-conscious user uses a VPN.

The privacy-conscious user

What you do online should be your business alone. Unfortunately, almost all internet service providers keep logs of browsing history, and some even sell them to third parties for profit. Governments in some countries also actively monitor and regulate the browsing habits of netizens.
A VPN prevents any third party from seeing your usage data, allowing you to enjoy the internet your way.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Yemen cholera epidemic 'controlled' by computer predictions

Yemen cholera epidemic 'controlled' by computer predictions-   ------click here



Cholera cases in Yemen have been slashed by a new system that predicts where outbreaks will occur.
Last year, there were more than 50,000 new cases in just one week - this year, the numbers plummeted to about 2,500.
The system has enabled aid workers to focus efforts on prevention several weeks in advance of an outbreak - by monitoring rainfall.
It comes as the UN says it is concerned about a possible "third wave" of the epidemic.
The deployment of the technology has been coordinated by the UK's Department for International Development.
Prof Charlotte Watts, the department's chief scientific adviser, said that the system had helped aid workers bring a rampant epidemic under control.
"We have thousands of people around the world that died from cholera each year," he said.
"And I think this approach could really help put a dent into that figure.
"What this technology enables us to do is really home in to where we're going to get new outbreaks, and respond really effectively."
Last year, there were  More than 2,000 people died and many of them were children.
It was the largest and fastest-spreading epidemic on record - and its rapid spread was caused by the destruction of sewerage and sanitation systems during the country's civil war.
Although cases have reduced dramatically in 2018, the UN says it is concerned about a possible "third wave" of the epidemic.
The UK's overseas aid department has worked with the Met Office to develop a system that predicts where cholera will occur four weeks ahead of time.

How does it work?

The Met Office produces a rainfall forecast for Yemen. Using its supercomputers, it is to determine the specific amount of rain that will fall and pinpoint the areas it will hit within a 10km (six-mile) radius.

Image copyright MET OFFICE
Image caption The system combines heavy rainfall forecasts, in red, with local cholera risk data
These are important because downpours overwhelm the sewerage system and spread the infection.
The forecasts are used in conjunction with a computer model developed by Prof Rita Colwell, at the University of Maryland, and Dr Antar Jutla, at West Virginia University.
It draws on a variety of local information such as:
Together, this information enables scientists to predict the areas most likely to experience an outbreak, up to four weeks in advance.

Monday, July 30, 2018


                          HOW TO GET A GOOD JOB



 Job hunting can feel like a full-time job in itself. If you're coming up empty-handed, it's time to add some new techniques to your job search. Not all jobs are advertised via traditional methods, so branching out can help you find a greater number of new job opportunities.

Newspapers and Professional Journals

Newspapers top the list of traditional job-search methods. Even though many companies post online, you can still find job ads in newspapers. If you work in a specific industry, look for journals in that field, as they may feature job ads. You may still find the ads in the print versions of these publications, but looking on the websites of the publications is usually a faster and more up-to-date way to search.
Recruitment Agencies

When choosing ways to find a job, don't overlook professional recruiters and headhunters. These professionals know the job search arena and can help you streamline your search. You get an inside track to jobs those agencies have that you might not otherwise hear about. If you're a college student or a recent graduate, check with your college to see if they offer free career placement services.

Door-to-Door Job Hunting

This traditional job-hunting technique may still work, especially with smaller companies. Essentially, you stop into businesses you want to work for to introduce yourself and see if they have any job openings. Get the names of hiring managers beforehand so you can ask for them in person. Take plenty of resumes and other relevant documents to drop off at prospective employers. You might only get rejections on the day you visit companies, but even one call-back a month later makes the effort worthwhile.

A slight variation on this method is cold calling. Instead of physically going to the location, you can place a call to companies you hope might hire you. Just like door-to-door job hunting, cold calling may end up with lots of rejection, but one yes is all you need.
Speculative Emails

Mailing letters to potential employers is an older way to look for potential openings that haven't been posted yet. Take that approach to the modern day job search with emails. Draw up a list of companies you would like to work for, and research them to find the person who should receive your email. Let him know you are interested in a position with the company, list your experience and qualifications, and tell him you look forward to talking with him soon. Follow up with a brief phone call to the hiring manager to ensure he received your email and talk more about your interest in the company.
Networking in Your Circle

Family, friends and former co-workers are valuable sources of job information and can even recommend you to their own bosses. Since you already know these people, this is one of the easiest ways to find work. Attend professional networking events, such as industry trade shows, as often as possible to expand your networking reach. Create simple business cards printed displaying your contact details, profession and key skills to hand out with your resume. Memorize a 20-second elevator pitch so you’re always ready with an engaging summary of your career highlights. Let people know you’re available and motivated, but avoid looking desperate. If someone says he’s not hiring, ask if he knows anyone who might be.Advertise YourselfGet the employers to come to you rather than the other way around. You can advertise free on some classified ad websites under "Work Wanted." Another option is to create a professional website for yourself where you can post your resume or relevant experience and other information about yourself. This can be particularly effective for creative careers, such as writing, graphic design or web development because you can create a portfolio of your work on the website.Job Search WebsitesMany employers post job openings on websites designed specifically for the purpose. Those sites also let job seekers post resumes so potential employers can find them. Be very careful about putting your personal details into a public domain and follow instructions on privacy settings carefully. One option is to use a dedicated e-mail address so your personal contact details remain private. Be sure to take your resume and profile down as soon as you get a job or you will send the wrong signal to your new employer.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Business process management

Automate any internal process – from document approval to collaboration on complex projects involving multiple teams. Bpm’online provides a complete set of tools to effectively manage business processes, including process modelling, execution, monitoring and analysis. Take advantage of the industry best practices to ensure the maximum efficiency of business process management at your organization.

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DCM processes
Take advantage of Dynamic Case Management (DCM) to more flexibly manage unstructured, “untamed” processes. DCM offers adaptable, context-based patterns that enable users to dynamically select the best path and set of activities to achieve more successful, optimized outcomes. Thanks to a user-friendly Case Designer that is powered by drag-n-drop tools, users can effortlessly add and manage process stages and activities to have the process up and running in just a few minutes!
Structured BPMN processes
Automate your structured processes with BPM (Business Process Management) technology. Model the processes flow using preconfigured elements for creating activities (tasks, calls, and emails), working with pages, processing data, and invoking external services. A simple interface along with built-in tools for elements search and validation will help to quickly build a process model in BPMN as well as fine-tune it based on process execution analytics.
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Process library
Automate any internal processes – from document approval to complex projects involving multiple teams. Employ out-of-the-box best-practice processes, modify them or create new ones to fit the unique needs of your business.
Process monitoring and analytics
Keep track of any process execution metrics (duration, average execution time, maximum and minimum values, etc.), using different elements (owners, branches, product lines, etc.). Visualize process data using custom dashboards, identify and eliminate bottlenecks in your processes with the help of an easy-to-use process log.
business 1

How to Make a Funny Video

Whether for yourself or to share with others, making a funny video can be a fun way to pass the time. Writing a script and planning out your...