Saturday, August 3, 2019

How to Make a Funny Video

Whether for yourself or to share with others, making a funny video can be a fun way to pass the time. Writing a script and planning out your video can help give it plenty of jokes and comedic scenes. Then, once you're ready to film, knowing how to act humorously can help your jokes resonate with your audience. Before you know it, you'll have a hilarious video to share wherever you want! 

Writing a Funny Script

  1. 1
  2. 2
    Use the rule of three to write funny scripts. Similar to unexpected situations, humor arises when established patterns are broken in sets of three. Try writing a scene where two similar ideas or situations are presented, then add a third that breaks the pattern.[2]
    • You could, for example, write a slapstick scene where two characters walk through a doorway normally and the third gets hit in the face with a pie when he walks through.
    • Or you could write about two ghosts who like living in a haunted house and a third who is afraid of other ghosts.
  3. 3
    Pattern the humor around relatable situations. Successful funny videos are usually based on situations that people can relate to. Think about who your video's target audience is and write in situations that this group has probably experienced.[3]
    • For example, you could write a video about funny, relatable things that happen to high school students (like boring teachers, awkward first dates, and overly-enthusiastic football games).
    • Try writing about situations that are funny to you or a community you belong to, as this will help your humor feel more authentic.
  4. 4
    Use metaphors or similes to create humorous dialogue. Funny videos often compare one thing to a caricature of itself. Brainstorm things that remind you of a certain character or situation, and implement them into your dialogue to amplify the humor.[4]
    • You could, for example, write about a mean, strict boss and have another character say, "Did Tiny Tim get on your nerves today, Mr. Scrooge?"
    • Or you could write about a person who just got turned down by a guy and have them say, "I just hit on him but now I feel like my heart was hit by a bus."
  5. 5
    Try adding funny anecdotes or stories if you've got writer's block. If you can't think of anything to write, brainstorm funny things that have happened to you. From there, you can either tell your story during the video or write about characters who experience a similar thing.[5]
    • You could, for example, tell a story about a time you accidentally ripped your pants while playing basketball.
    • Or, if you've tried online dating, you could write about a person who meets various eccentric people through online dating apps.

Part 2
Filming the Video

  1. 1
    Gather together your filming equipment. To make a quality video, you will need equipment to capture the picture and audio. Depending on your preferences and filming expertise, you can use any of the following things to film your video:[6]
    • Smartphone
    • Camera
    • Webcam
    • Video recorder
  2. 2
    Test the filming equipment beforehand. Before you start making the video, film a few seconds beforehand to make sure your equipment is working. Once you've checked that the equipment is recording and ready to go, you can start filming your funny video.[7]
    • If you're using cameras or video recorders, bring a smartphone with you to record in case your equipment is having trouble.
  3. 3
    Use subtle nods to indicate that you're filming a funny video. While dry humor can be hilarious, try to let your audience know that your video is humorous. That way, the audience know from the start that they're watching a funny video and can view it accordingly.[8]
    • You could, for example, have your character look incredulously into the camera after an unexpected or outrageous event.
  4. 4
    Add in common funny props or figures. Funny videos often use certain situations or props to enhance the humor. Study popular funny videos and look for recurring props, situations, or figures that they use, and add them to your video as desired.[9]
    • Babies, animals, and other cute things are popular features of funny videos. Silly videos also often feature situations that involve accidents or "fails," funny singing or dancing, and unexpected (but well-meaning) pranks.
    • This is especially useful if you're trying to make a popular or "viral" video.
  5. 5
    Try not to overact the humor. Although it's important to subtly let your audience know they're watching a funny video, acting overly dramatic can ruin the natural humor of the scene. Beyond a few nods to the audience or exaggerations, avoid delivering your lines or acting with too much emotion or emphasis.[10]
    • An exception to this is if you are making fun of overly-dramatic actors or films.

How to Make a Funny Video

Whether for yourself or to share with others, making a funny video can be a fun way to pass the time. Writing a script and planning out your...